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The Gender Pay Gap by the Numbers

On average, women in the U.S. are paid 20% less than men.

20% Counts!

If you break it down by race and ethnicity, the gap is even worse.

Black women are paid 39% less and Latinas are paid 47% less than white men.


Any way you look at it, there’s a pay gap for women.

When you control for important factors such as education, experience, industry, occupation, role, and hours worked, the pay gap still exists.

Women do negotiate

Women are asking for raises at about the same rates as men, but on average they’re paid less than men in similar roles.

The pay gap actually widens for women at higher education levels.

The gap is largest for women who have bachelor’s and advanced degrees.

1 in 3Nearly 1 in 3 Americans is not aware of the pay gap between women and men.


The pay gap starts early.

As soon as age 16, girls are paid less than boys the same age—and the gap only grows from there.

16%Only 16% of Americans think companies are doing enough to close the gender pay gap.


The gap hurts women and families.

Lower earnings for women often mean less money for their families. This impacts families’ ability to buy groceries, pay for childcare, invest in their children’s education, and more.

75%Almost 75% of Americans think it would be a major problem or crisis if they earned 20% less money.


If women were paid fairly…… the average woman would earn over $400,000 more during the course of her career.


If women were paid fairly…… each woman’s extra annual earnings would pay off her student loan debt in just under three years.

“Equal pay for women is critical, but the pay gap is only part of a larger problem. Women face an uneven playing field in the workplace: they are less likely to be hired and promoted, receive less support from managers, and get less access to senior leaders.”

The pay gap is also hurting women globally.

On average, women are paid 23% less than men worldwide.



  • 20%United States
  • 17%United Kingdom
  • 11%Pakistan
  • 22%Israel
  • 35%Republic of Korea
  • 17%Botswana
  • 39%Malawi
  • 11%Mexico
  • 16%Brazil
  • 21%Chile
  • 9%Poland
  • 24%Russia
  • 14%Australia

Equal Pay Day